Thursday, June 21, 2007

Glimpse of a few days back

In case anyone is wondering what the heck am i doing back in Kuching after graduated unofficially, I'm now working for my dad at his coffeeshop, office and tackle shop.

Work will started from 6:15am till late 10pm. But since i crashed the car onto a traffic light(correction from the previous post; coz i actually crashed into a traffic light), i get to wake up a lil' bit later and car pool with my dad and get to reach the workplace at 7am; or maybe 8am. xD

Anyway, my job at the coffeeshop is mainly being a manager there. For the time being, i'm getting myself used to the situation at the coffeeshop doing some interview and focusing on the cashier part. Then i'm to learn to make drinks and then serve the customers.

Seems like an easy job? Come and try it yourself.

I'm still having problems memorizing the price list of the cigarettes, drinks and foods. Anyway, the staffs there are friendly as they mostly consists of teenagers and young adults at the age of 14-26. The shop has been opened for about 2 years now and business seems well so far.

Then i have hte job as an office boy at the office. Well not really an office boy as i'm handling some important documents as well. More like a staff there. Currently i'm learning how to sort and key in the details of my dad's small business.

Next for the tackle shop, my job is basically to be a good host to the customer. Training my marketing skills and also developing PR skills. Aside from that i'll be developing a website to promote and sell the products at the shop. Old bean says if we can achieve a certain standard every month, he's gonna sponsor us for a trip to Japan. WooT~! But here's the catch; the target is a freaking high target. >.<"

Well.. that's all for now. I'm gonna sacrifice my time in this coming 6 months to work under my dad and at the same time sharpen my programming skills. Hopefully after six months, i'll be a more stable and able to control-myself kind of person. :P

PS: Mun, Rine...i guess after convo, it'll be a long time since we'll meet again. ^^" Anyway, add oil. I'll see you guys soon. :D Take care.

PS: Michelle Ang, how you doing there? Everything good?



Anonymous said...

got your message bro, who the heck is 'rine'???

haha anyway, all the best working there......ciggy price is simple.....memorizing easy....practise makes'll be fine within weeks.....

breathe air!

Ic3 SaInT said...

rine rine mah is corine lo~ xD

hehe... yeah.. need time :D thanx for ur support