Sunday, December 31, 2006

Happy New Year 2007

To those who read this, let us put on our best smile as we celebrate this last day of 2006 before welcoming 2007 with open arms, knowing that we have manage to survive for another year, able to survive through the worst, grown up, fall and rise from our darkest times and finall,y learnt to love.

To those who are single but not seeking:
If you're plan to enjoy your life, then enjoy it to your best tonight. Just make sure you'll still be able to stand straight until 2007.

To those who are single and seraching:
This year no fish, try year 2007. It's just less than 24 hrs away.

To those who are single and chasing after one:
Put on ur best effort today. One Last Try. Be persistent, but yet considerate. If she says No, live with it. You'll find a better one in 2007.

To those who are attached:
Cherish ur partner more on this 31st December. If you're a guy, be the first to whisper those three words into her ears softly. If she can't hear it, kiss her on the lips for 2007 seconds! I'm sure she'll get the point.

To those who are lonely and missing someone rite now and nothing much more to do:
Spread love ^^. Copy and forward this msg. Or just send it to an individual and put a msg at the end of this message. Whatever you do, dun think twice. Coz it's the last day of 2006 and you gotta know what you want to do.

For Everyone:
Write out you resolutions for 2007. It's time we plan our year and smile along the way together, hand in hand together.

With this, I end my crabby greetings to you all. I hope you all reading this will enjoy this last day of christmas.

Happy New Year Everyone~!


I'm not sure wat are my resolutions for this 2007 yet but will try to list out at least 10 before this year ends. ;-)

PM:<@nG3L 143 n noh ss!W D3viL *hugs*>



Robin Wong said...

hey moses,
its good to see that you are blogging again, ehhehe after some time.
U have a great and blessed new year coming ahead dude !!! Stay the same, and stay cheerful always k?

Ic3 SaInT said...

yeah thanx... i just finish my finals for this semester. am a bit relaxed now... but still there's sumthing bothering me. I'm worried about someone who's sick now =="